Detailed information on how to install FSlint for a variety of distributions is kept up-to-date on FSlint's homepage. This guide was written and tested on Debian Lenny with further testing done on Ubuntu 10.04. This guide covers FSlint version 2.43 which is the latest release at the time of this writing. FSlint is a very powerful tool, and it would be unfortunate to make a mistake and lose important data without having a backup.įSlint can be found in the online repositories of several major Linux releases, and it can be easily installed through the package manager. You are also encouraged to fully understand the tasks you FSlint to perform. The reader is highly encouraged to have a good backup of their system before deleting or modifying any files. Opozorilo - vedno bodite previdni, kaj izbriete v sistemu, saj lahko to povzroi neeleno izgubo podatkov. Understanding the command line will also help those who wish to use the tools in more advanced settings, such as scripts or remote servers. V tej vadnici se boste nauili, kako poiskati in izbrisati podvojene datoteke v Linuxu z orodji ukazne vrstice rdfind in fdupes, pa tudi z orodji grafinega vmesnika DupeGuru in FSlint. Even though you may not need to use the command line tools, the advanced information may provide a better understanding of how to use the graphical interface. The reader is encouraged to read through the command line help page as it often includes more insight as well as advanced methods used to fine tune the results. As the graphical interface is simply a front end for the command line, this guide refers to the help page of each of the command line tools as they apply to the graphical tool set described in each chapter. It is the goal of this guide to walk you through each of the major functions and tools that FSlint provides within the graphical interface.

FSlint has multiple tools to perform a multitude of tasks in both the graphical interface and command line modes. The most common forms of lint FSlint finds are duplicate files, empty directories, and improper names. Then the following execution of the makefile. Use the respective console for msys2 it is msys2 msys. Before running make: Install msys2 or other POSIX environment.

The following steps have been tested using msys2.
FSlint will help find unwanted or problematic lint in your files or file names. It is possible to build dupeGuru with the makefile on windows using a compatable POSIX environment. Since Czkawka is written in Rust and it aims to be a faster alternative to FSlint or DupeGuru which are written in Python, we need to compare the speed of these tools. This excess of unnecessary files is referred to as lint. GUI frontend - uses modern GTK 3 and looks similar to FSlint Rich search option - allows setting absolute included and excluded directories. FSlint is a utility to find and clean various forms of unwanted extraneous files on a computer file system.